PPSC jobs in Lahore Advertisement No 15/2024



PPSC jobs in Lahore Advertisement No 15/2024 has been recently released through the newspaper daily Jang.Online applications are required from suitable and professional persons both male/female with domicile of Punjab province for the above vacancies in various departments.These vacancies are open on contract and regular basis. Recruitment to these posts will be purely on the basis of merit.The organization currently has Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial, Assistant Professor, Assistant Registrar, Inspector of Bowlers, Assistant Director, GIS Developer, GIS Programmer, GIS Database Developer, Protocol Assistant.  And looking for talented and hardworking people who can perform their duties efficiently for the positions like Technical Assistant.To get these jobs in Lahore candidates should have overall qualification like MBBS, FCPS, MDS, LLB, DAE, Master, Intermediate and experience in relevant field.PPSC always offers employment opportunities to pilgrims on an equal basis and therefore encourages transgenders to apply in addition to men, women.Interested persons who are looking for Punjab Public Service Commission jobs and fulfill the requirements of the posts like educational qualification, upper age limit criteria can get these jobs in Punjab after online application process. 

Jobs Title


Posted Date

21 July 2024



jobs Location

Lahore , Punjab 


Punjab Public service Commission

Required Qualification

Master , MBBS , FCPS , DAE , Intermediate 

No of Post


Last Date

06 August 2024


Punjab Public service Commission Main office Lahore 

Upper Age limit and General Relaxation 

Candidates age limit is 18 years and maximum 50 years for PPSC jobs.Which is clearly mentioned in the advertisement against each vacancy. However, the upper age limit of 05 years will be given to male candidates.While the general relaxation of 08 years in the upper age limit for female candidates will be implemented under the policy introduced by the Government of Punjab.

Description of Vacant Positions 

Name of Post


Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Development

Associate Professor (Multiple Field)


Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery


Industries Commerce, Investment & Skill Development Department

Assistant Director (Legal/ Registrar)


Directorat General of Industries Prices

Assistant Registrar Joint Stock Companies


Inspector of Boilers

DAE in Mechanical

Forestry wildlife & Fisheries Department

His Developer

Master Degree

Gis Programer

Master Degree

Gis Database Developer

Master Degree

S&GAD/Chief Minister,s office Punjab , Lahore

Protocol Assistant


Punjab Public service Commission

Technical Assistant

DAE in Electronic , ICS

Online Apply Procedure and General Instructions 

Step#01: 1: PSC always invites online applications from its users. Interested eligible candidates visit PPSC official website. www.ppsc.gop.pk

Get your registration done within the above mentioned date through.

Step#02: Candidates have to deposit the examination test fee in the account of PPSC after online registration process.

Step#03: Fees for above mentioned vacancies can be deposited through internet banking, mobile phone banking, microfinance bank, easy paisa, jazz cash and UPESA.

Step#04: Candidates should carefully read all the instructions given by the institution before applying against the respective posts.

Step#05: The organization may conduct typing and skill tests from the candidates if deemed necessary.

Step#06: The last date to apply online for Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs is 06 August 2024.


PPSC jobs in Lahore Advertisement No 15/2024
PPSC jobs in Lahore Advertisement No 15/2024

PPSC jobs  Advertisement No 15/2024

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